La Playa


Summer is upon us!

One of the things I love most about living in Asturias, Spain, is the beach. The coast of Asturias is one natural beach after the other.

They are breathtakingly beautiful and every single time that I visit the beach here, I feel inspired and renewed. I love swimming in the Mar Cantábrico. I love walking in the sand. I love finding pebbles and sea glass. I love the natural rock formations. I love the cliffs. I love…love…love…

Going to the beach is a pretty routine occurrence for me. However, it wasn’t always like that. After finally getting my Spanish driver’s license (learning stick was interesting) and buying a car, I was able to explore Asturias on my own terms. Previously, we had taken buses and trains when going on vacation, but there is no comparison to having a car, especially since we have two dogs. Now, I’m able to go anywhere on a whim instead of having to meticulously plan an excursion.

I like to think of my beach experiences here as divided into two seasons, Summer and the off-season. It’s important to note that typical “Sunny Spain” does not apply to Asturias. It’s a pretty rainy area and sunny days can be hard to come by depending on the year. However, we do have nice days and those days are taken full advantage of by almost every Asturiano.

I divide the beach year as such because I have two distinct experiences and uses for the beach during these times.

During Fall, Winter and most of Spring, the beach is the dogs’ playground. And Kiko’s. We tend to go to Playa Xagó during the off-season. It’s about a half hour away, easily accessible and gorgeous. The best part about it is that there aren’t many people during this time, so the dogs can run around off the leash and they have a great time. It also doesn’t get cold enough for us to be freezing. Kiko likes to jump around on the rocks and add to the little wall he’s been building (as seen in the picture). Kiko is also NOT a fan of a very hot and sunny day (didn’t think that was possible). So this is the time we enjoy the beach together as a little family. In summer, we will switch to the forrest and mountains for our excursions together.

The beach in the summertime is for ME. A totally different vibe. I love packing up a bag and going alone or with a girlfriend. Since there are too many people and too much sun, the dogs and Kiko are out. So it’s really a time for me to get away and enjoy the beach in a different way. I come home tired and sandy and sunburned and I love it. It’s also easier for me to explore less accessible beaches. I’m hoping to do more of that this summer because there are some real gems that I have yet to visit. Summer in Spain is a marvelous experience. People are happier and not so worried about work. It feels like everyone in Spain is off for the whole month of August. You’ll see surfers, travelers, families, and the chiringuitos packed with people eating pinchos and having a drink. All while being surrounded by the natural beauty Asturias has to offer.

My Ocean Ocaso line was inspired by the coast of Asturias and I expect to make more products that are influenced by these special rincones.

I’m so grateful to be able to enjoy the coast all year round. Do you love the beach?


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