Our First Holiday Season

Holiday watercolor pattern

My watercolor trees will be featured on our Holiday products!


It’s that time of year!

I am so excited to get some of my first holiday products out! They should be arriving within the next week or two. We’re going to be selling Holiday Cards and one of our most popular products: Mugs!

What makes these new products even more special is I feel like I’m getting back into my business and organizing my time better. In June, I got an exciting opportunity to work for a YouTuber. I have been teaching English as a foreign language for about 10 years now and I had been wanting to branch out and try something new within my field. I took last year off to recalibrate and start Pirozzi Print because I wasn't feeling fulfilled and I always wanted to explore teaching English in a more creative way. This new job fell into my lap, so to speak, and I am really looking forward to seeing where it takes me. With that said, I needed a hot minute to get used to the position and organize my time more effectively. I must admit that I am not the best at time management. However, I’m getting better.

On a personal note, my partner and I are trying to start a family and there have been some bumps in the road. A large part of my summer was dedicated to that journey and I was fully preparing to get back to focusing on Pirozzi Print in October but…October threw us a curveball and I was out for the count physically and emotionally. My cute AF Halloween line will have to wait until next year.

Towards the end of October, I was determined to claw my way out of my situation. Now in the clear medically and feeling a strong will to close that chapter with respect, I’m starting to really focus on a routine. I looked at how I want to organize my day and gave myself a schedule. I’m paying attention to the things that need to get done…the small things…the bigger things. I’m consciously making time for what’s important to me every single day instead of doing everything “whenever”. This is gonna sound painfully “basic bitch”, but…I had seen a video on TikTok about doing 1% each day for 30 days and I thought “That’s easy enough. I can probably do that.”. So, I’ve been sticking to that “challenge” and it’s been great! Today is day 20 and I’m excited to look at these habits I’ve created at the end of 30 days and evaluate what isn’t necessary (like putting cuticle oil on daily), what is here to stay, and what more I can add.

Anyways, I’m writing all of this not as an excuse or an apology for my absence. I don’t need to give either. Who is even reading this, right? Hi, Mom! And I’m certainly not looking for pity. I am good!

I’m writing this because I’m proud of myself and wanted to give this all some thought and to say “Welcome back to Pirozzi Print”.

‘Tis the season to be jolly!

Since I’ve used the adjective “excited” too many times…I’m overjoyed, eager, thrilled, positively delighted for what’s to come here at the end of 2022 and in our upcoming new year, 2023!

Thank you for your support!

Much love,




Why are handmade cards so special?


La Playa