Why are handmade cards so special?

Purple Mountain Clouds Collection

My Love of Stationery

I think it's safe to say that I kinda like stationery. Haha. Burned into my consciousness are certain stationery sets that I have used throughout my life. The Tweety Bird set my great-aunt got me when I was a kid. The set that featured black and white photographs of New York City. The "Call Me." cards that my aunt got me when I was a teenager. The personalized set with the address of my first apartment when I left home at 19...

You get the drift. I'm the person who gets excited for you to open the card that comes with the gift.


Well, simply looking at the reason why we give cards is evidence enough. With cards, we communicate a message in a special way. Yes, a quick DM, email or comment on a post can help us say what we need to, but there is something about physical cards that creates a more unique experience. Doesn't it feel good to see a card when you open the mailbox and not just bills and catalogs?


"Happy Birthday!"

"On your wedding day..."

"Thinking of you." "I'm sorry." "Wish you were here!"

We buy greeting cards, postcards and notecards to give our words a special touch, and this helps us to create a deeper connection with others. As we discover what truly matters in life, those messages of encouragement, kindness, hope, support, etc., mean something to both the sender and the receiver. Have you ever saved a card that someone you love gave you? Like the Christmas card from your grandparents or the note card that came with the flowers on Valentine's Day.

Our words mean a lot to the people we care about.

Of course, you can use any card to convey your message. You could write it on a napkin or tear out a blank page from a notebook. However, many times, we choose the perfect card that catches our eye and feels like the perfect vessel to encapsulate our message.

So, what makes handmade cards so special?

Before you even pick your card, there is a process that goes into making it. Someone, somewhere designs the card, produces it and it makes its way to your hands somehow. There is much more going on behind the scenes, but you get the gist. Like most products that we buy, we can go the more commercial route or choose from a variety of offerings from artists and skilled craftspeople (most of whom are small business owners). There is a difference.

I have to acknowledge designers in general. If an artist works for a large greeting card company, it doesn't mean that they aren't an incredibly talented individual who uses their creativity to bring others happiness. They most certainly are! However, purchasing an item directly from a creator makes for a more intimate experience.

I try to be intentional when I am buying something for someone else. I get it from my mama. As a kid, I would see how much thought she put into gifting. She thinks of the individual and what they need, what they want, what would make them happy. I don't recall making Christmas wishlists as a kid because my mom always hit the nail on the head. I try to do the same, and I also appreciate gifts more when I can tell they've really thought of who I am. Otherwise, it feels like we're just buying to buy and gifting because we feel we have to.

Being intentional means I'm thinking about the gift, the wrapping paper, and the necessary cherry on top: the card.

My process as a creator...

For me, I make cards, notebooks, notecards, and small accessories that I would (and do) use. I start with drawing inspiration from my life. I consider what kind of cards would help others to become inspired. Then, I paint and/or take out my calligraphy pen, and start putting what's in my head on paper. This is the part of the process I enjoy the most. Some days, what's in my head doesn't flow to the paper. Other days, the process is smooth and I sit down without thinking and make something that I'm obsessed with.

There are things I have made that I think are amazing and then don't sell at all. And, vice versa. There are products I doubted putting in the shop that became bestsellers. I've also learned that my style of product doesn't need to fit everyone's needs or tastes either. It's ok. It's all a learning process for me and it's unlocking more creativity within myself than I had imagined it would. I make what I love to make in the hopes that others will love it too.

This is all just the tip of the iceberg behind the long process of getting that card to your loved ones. There's editing and uploading and sending out to the printer...but I find that the magical element that makes handmade cards so special is that I am keeping both you and I in mind while I create, and I feel this opens up a deeper connection than if you were to buy something that a thousand other people can buy.

Is it really that serious?

Well, yes and no.

I believe that any card you purchase is good enough. Really. I'm not trying to convince you to only order options by artists or to only jot down your notes in our spiral notebooks. Without a doubt, the most important part of a card is what is written inside and why. So, by all means, stop at CVS on the way to the baby shower. Choose the card at the store that has the blue envelope that would match perfectly with your wrapping paper. I have a stationery shop and I still buy greeting cards! I bought a card for my friend's last birthday because it was made from seed paper and I thought that would really interest her. I have a few generic birthday cards in my drawer just in case. I encourage getting any card over not getting one at all. What matters most is what you write inside.

Although..."The devil is in the details", right? Let's compare buying a card that's mass-produced with one from a small business. I remember I was at a friend's bridal shower and I was tasked with keeping track of who gifted her what. By the end of the day, she had received a lot of cards that were repeats. Not a big deal. I just think that for occasions that are so special to people who are so special to me, I want to give a little bit "extra". Maya Angelou famously said, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." When you care about how someone feels, or how you yourself feel, nice gestures, big or small, have an impact.

You can filter through hundreds of designs laid out in front of you on the shelves, or seek out cards that are little pieces of art, made with care, and, let's be honest, are less likely to end up in the recycling bin.

Pirozzi Print

Our aim is to create a product that will bring beauty to your life, however small. With every collection, our goal is to inspire you to find ways of expressing yourself for all occasions. All of our cards are blank inside, waiting for your words. Only high-quality paper is used for our cards and envelopes, which helps to elevate your well wishes.

But, hey...maybe you want an item for yourself? You deserve it! For example, I use this mug every morning. I also currently have this purple flower notebook next to my laptop and I use a mountain cloud notecard for remembering my passwords. We've gotten such incredible feedback from our customers who have placed orders (check out our reviews... 5 stars ain't bad!). Many have come back to add something for themselves to their cart!

We also package our orders in a way that makes you feel like you are getting a little gift when you receive your delivery. You'll get a free sticker with every order, too ... because ... "details", remember?

We try to make your life easier!

I hate to bring up money in this post, but it's part of business. As I've mentioned, Pirozzi Print products are made with high-quality materials. I love the paper we use for our cards and envelopes. We try to keep our prices competitive so that you are getting a great product at a great price.

Let's look at our Birthday Wishes card set, which is our bestseller. Each card features a simple watercolor design of bold colors accompanied by simple birthday notes. We've had to re-stock thrice. What people seem to appreciate about this set is the convenience and price. There are 6 birthday cards in the set, so you are always prepared for the next birthday AND for only $20, you get SIX cards. Have you seen some of the prices for ONE card at the store?! I've thought of that and how that affects my customers and I want to make their life easier while still being able to give something meaningful and not so generic.

Since the success of Birthday Wishes, we are coming up with more Pirozzi Packs. Using the same concept as the birthday cards, we want you to be able to buy packs of cards that you can have at hand for any occasion all year round. So, be on the look out for more Pirozzi Packs!

Handmade Homework

I encourage you to try making your own card! It takes a bit more time and some planning, but you already know when your sister's birthday is or when you have that graduation party. Sit at your desk and make a card for that special person. Create a one-of-a-kind design that reflects your unique style.

I think it's so important to unlock your own creativity! Everyone is creative in their own way, even if they don't know it yet. Once we begin to discover our own creative spirit, we tend to appreciate the creativity of others.

You can watch this video of me making a card to get some inspiration. I prefer making collages for cards, but you can make a line drawing, splash your favorite color on the front, write a quote, find your own signature style! Don't be embarrassed to show off your creative side. You can't go wrong. I promise that your handmade card will leave an impression. And remember, if you don't have the time, Pirozzi Print has you covered! Check out our collections and find the perfect card!

Thank You!

Thank you for reading. Thank you for being a customer. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your follows and likes and shares @pirozziprint. I'm currently creating some "Thank you" card Pirozzi Packs, so keep an eye out for those, too!

Thank you,

Angela Pirozzi


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